Lars Romig looking down into the first rappel.

A knot chock at rappel 2.

Ladies sunbathing on the first descent.

Kegn Moorcroft on rappel.

Laura Stewart on rappel.

Kegn Moorcroft down-climbing on the approach.
Hung Out To Dry
Region: Loy Canyon
Distance: 4 Miles
Difficulty: Hard
Elevation Gain: 900’
ACA: 3All
Duration: 4-6 hours
Rope: 2 x 200’
Anchor Materials: 55’ of webbing + 5 rapides
Parking: Park at what the canyoneering community refers to as the End of Rope Parking. This is a small circular pull off on the right side of the road just past Hartwell Canyon. The pull off is made obvious by a large tree that provides family photo shoots and a quick pit stop for the jeep tours. No permit is required, but it’s a nice gesture to leave room for the jeeps.
Overview: Hung out to dry is a scenic and worthwhile adventure in the Loy Canyon area that does not see as much traffic as its neighbors. In my opinion it is one of the better routes in the area and has some interesting challenges from awkward starts to overhanging rappels. This is a good option for intermediate level cannoneers that will require route finding, anchor building, and a strong leader.
Adventurous Approach
Less Traveled
Archaeological Sites
Approach: From the End of Rope parking, follow a worn social trail to a large wash and obvious gully. Hike up the gully on the left side to the rockslide. Carefully navigate through the rockslide gully (helmets recommended) to the saddle. Once atop the saddle, start working your way to the north into Hartwell Canyon. Follow the bench until you see a small cliff dwelling under an overhang, this will be your next stop. From the dwelling send your most confident scrambler up and around the nose. The scrambling is easy but somewhat exposed; team members may need assistance here. From above the ruin trend back south or the way you came, making your way up towards the Coconino. Once you are back on the Loy canyon side, gear up and locate the access rappel off a small pine tree on the left. The technical portion starts here.
Descent: Two access rappels will land you on the main red rock bench. From the red rock bench walk a short distance to the right or north to the start of the route.
Caution!: Do not mistake the large crack on the left (End of Rope) for Hung out to Dry.
Access Rappels for End of Rope and Hung Out to Dry
R1: 50’ from a tree on a slightly exposed edge on the left.
R2: 100’ off a tree. Watch for loose rock here. Use extra caution on the rope retrieval.
After the second rappel walk a short distance to the right and down to the start of the route.
R3: 130’ off a tree. The anchor is extended out over agave and vegetation.
R4: 125’ off a knot chock or a slung bush RDC.
R5: 170’ from the base of a tree RDC. Overhung start.
End of Rope Parking: 34.92498, -111.91738
R1 Access Rappel: 34.92946, -111.91431
Hung Out to Dry: 34.93061, -111.91470
Exit: From the last rappel follow faint braided trails over a few small drainages and back to the main parking area. Watch for scrub oak and catclaw on the exit.
Preservation: Please respect archaeological sites and sensitive terrain along your journey.
Link Ups: Usually folks have had enough after this short but demanding route. If you’ve got extra time to kill Brownbag Special is very close in proximity and would add 1 to 2 hours onto your day.
Route Established By: Eric Moorcroft, Lars Romig, Kegn Moorcroft, and Laura Stewart