Sensitive Terrain

When it comes to outdoor ethics and preservation, sensitive terrain is a “touchy” subject. Off trail hiking is often frowned upon because of the harmful impact it could have on the sensitive soils and terrain. This section is dedicated to increasing awareness of the different types of sensitive terrain, where it might be encountered, and how to avoid it.

Cryptobiotic Crust

Also known as “Crypto Crust”, Cryptobiotic Soil can be found all over the world and are most common in arid and semi arid environments.

It’s Alive!!

This soil is created by living organisms such as algae and fungi that create a bacteria which releases a gel like substance into the soil. This byproduct of the bacteria clings to the soil creating a crunchy hard surface, or protective cap over the sensitive soil below. The armor like crust helps prevent erosion by protecting the looser soils below.


Cryptobiotic crust can take 1,000’s of years to form.

Once destroyed it can take any from 20 to 250+ years to grow back, if it ever does…

Crypto Soil can appear differently in a variety of geographic locations. In Sedona Crypto soil is commonly characterized as:

  • Dark and sometimes black

  • Sponge like in appearance

  • Often Crunchy and dry

  • Near water courses and drainages

Why is it so important?

Cryptobiotic Soil reduces erosion by wind and water because it absorbs water faster than other soils and forms a rigid cap over sensitive soil to protect it from the wind and other elements.

It is imperative that we increase our awareness order to reduce erosion and environmental impact on this sensitive terrain. One wrong step can compromise the sensitive terrain and leave an impact that will last more than a lifetime.


Crypto crust and sensitive terrain will likely be encountered between the main trail and head of the watercourse. Commonly located often near drainages and on the side of trails. Point out and step around the crust when leaving a marked trail and navigating toward durable rock.

Lichen & Moss

Lichen & Moss are other forms of sensitive terrain that take a long time to grow, and are important for the environment. These two organisms are often found together but are completely different.

Moss is a plant, whereas lichen is a organism that arises from algae living among fungi.

Lichen comes in many different colors and is flakey in texture.

Lichen often grows on red rock walls and should be stepped around with care.

Moss will likely be near the watercourse and should be pointed out and avoided.

Stick to social trails- Reduce impact by staying on pre-existing social trails. Route finding skills and a preloaded GPS track will help keep you on course and off the precious crypto.

Watch your step- It is easy to get distracted by the views and checking the GPS. Stopping for photos, snacks, and to check your progress will help to increase your awareness while hiking.

Educate others- As the group leader it is helpful to identify crypto crust and discuss its importance to your team.

Lead by example- Those in the front of the group can make the followers aware of areas that should be avoided.